Now is the time for METAL RESISTANCE EPISODE VII Important notice for tonight’s show #Charlotte #BABYMETAL #WORLDTOUR2018
5/23(水)23;59まで!LEGEND - S - BAPTISM XX - THE ONE LIMITED EDITION受付中!! http;//www.babymetal.com/jp/news/ #BABYMETAL
Now is the time for METAL RESISTANCE EPISODE VII Important notice for tonight’s show #Atlanta #BABYMETAL #WORLDTOUR2018
BABYMETAL's original sticker for chat app, LINE is now available worldwide! URL https;//line.me/S/sticker/3503944
「BMD FOX APPAREL」本日5月14日19時よりアスマートにて販売スタートDEATH!! https;//www.asmart.jp/babymetal
Now is the time for METAL RESISTANCE EPISODE VII Important notice for tonight’s show #Houston #Texas #BABYMETAL #WORLDTOUR2018
Now is the time for METAL RESISTANCE EPISODE VII Important notice for tonight’s show #Dallas #Texas #BABYMETAL #WORLDTOUR2018
Check BABYMETAL’s new song “Distortion“ on #Spotify playlist “New Music Friday” #BABYMETAL #Distortion
Please listen our new song “Distortion” on “The A-List; Metal” @AppleMusic @AppleMusicJapan https;//itunes.apple.com/jp/playlist/%EF%BD%81%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88-%E3%83%A1%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AB/pl.51c1d571cc7b484eb1dead1939811f2d #BABYMETAL
Now is the time for METAL RESISTANCE EPISODE VII Important notice for tonight’s show #Austin #BABYMETAL #WORLDTOUR2018
BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2018 in JAPAN決定DEATH!! http;//www.babymetal.com/jp/news/japantour.html #BABYMETAL #WORLDTOUR2018 #JAPAN
Now is the time for METAL RESISTANCE EPISODE VII Important notice for tonight’s show #KC #KansasCity #BABYMETAL #WORLDTOUR2018
New song “Distortion” #1 metal chart on iTunes in UK, Germany, Denmark, Czech Republic, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden, #2 in US, Canada, Australia, France, Italy, Belgium and other countries! Available now! https;//BMetal.lnk.to/Distortion #BABYME
New song “Distortion” jumped up #2 metal and rock chart on iTunes UK! Available now! https;//BMetal.lnk.to/Distortion #BABYMETAL #Distortion
New song “Distortion” jumped up #6 metal and #30 rock chart on iTunes US! Available now! https;//BMetal.lnk.to/Distortion #BABYMETAL #Distortion
New song “Distortion” iTunes Store ランキング第1位! New song “Distortion” jumped up #1 iTunes Store! https;//BMetal.lnk.to/Distortion #BABYMETAL #Distortion
New song “Distortion” is available NOW https;//youtu.be/1ce456Nnkt8 #BABYMETAL
「BMD FOX APPAREL」いよいよ明日5月7日(月)12時よりZOZOTOWNにて先行発売スタートDEATH!! WEARではスペシャルなコーディネート画像も公開中!! #BABYMETAL #BMDFOXAPPAREL #ZOZOTOWN #WEAR bmdfoxapparel.com zozo.jp/bmdfoxapparel/ wear.jp/bmdfoxapparel/
We’re excited to announce that our show in Austin,TX is SOLD OUT! See you soon! #BABYMETAL #WORLDTOUR2018 #THECHOSENSEVEN
WORLD TOUR 2018 tour merch is revealed! http;//www.babymetal.com/news/detail.php?id=150 #BABYMETAL #THECHOSENSEVEN #WORLDTOUR2018
キツネ様より新たなお告げを授かった。 キツネ様に選ばれし、DARK SIDEの7人の勇者たち #THECHOSENSEVEN が降臨するのだ。 知られざる闇の外典、METAL RESISTANCE EPISODE VII・WORLD TOUR 2018の幕開けと共に明らかになるだろう。 しかし、7つのメタルの魂は、同じ時空に存在するとは限らない。 いつ、どこで、誰が、どんな姿で現れるのか、それはキツネ様のみぞ知る。 #BABYMETAL
キツネ様より新たなお告げを授かった。 キツネ様に選ばれし、DARK SIDEの7人の勇者たち #THECHO...